Thursday, February 29, 2024



Thousands of voices reverberate the ancient gong. in the way,,, present moment,,, implicates all


Molten roots of falcon fang,,, the diocese of carnal visitations


2024 the year of black-tailed jack rabbit


The year zero watches yer back when forgetfulness is an attempted perfection


You who hunt the birds are hunted,,, haunted by a bottomless nothingness


You who name the birds closed to the reality of yer moats around yer words grinning & bearing starry nights

& yer throats prefer barley wine


As long as my tombstone reads: By Candlelight,,,


There's no need to question the stark contrast between the picture in the advertisement & the actual thing in real-time


He lived & died making certain the women of the night are well represented in his poetry,,,


Passing the transfer fare to a stranger, pulling a loosie to a flame & counting the money & conjuring the ancestors with the same hand over fist


If there is anything as close to god's work,,, i haven't yet lived & died enough times to see it


Whatever they make of my poetry,,, whatever you do,,, please just try to remember the hands of yer breath,the breath in yer hands, the breath, the wind,,, a solitary drop of rain floating from evergeen's pinecone sermon, the waters & none of this found amusing to hawk eye,,, seeing above particular matters of transience,,,

the waters & the hands of yer breath

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