Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Checking in 2 | Celebrating the release of RESUSCITATIONS



Greetings & Salutations,

I'm pleased to announce that my first full-length collection of poetry is now available for purchase. This has been quite the journey, getting this book ready for publication. In fact, up until 2 weeks ago, I wasn't even certain that this book was going to happen. The idea hadn't crossed my mind yet. I wouldn't recommend attempting to do the work of 3-4 months in 2 weeks, but hey, se la vie! It was a worthwhile, if not trying, experience with the end result (hopefully) magnifying the beauty & strength of poetry!

RESUSCITATIONS is kinda the result of a split decision, 2 weeks ago I just realized that with my poems stash from 2021, 2022 & 2023...I had enough poems for a full-length collection (99 pages) & went ahead on the path to preparing this book. It was kind of unplanned, although I knew I wanted to release a book at some point, I had no idea that now would be the time. I guess sometimes a human being just needs to create a space of their own and keep moving forward with that space in mind.

I didn't send this manuscript to any publishers, for real, because up until 2 weeks ago—there was no manuscript! Ha ha. 

In any situation, RESUSCITATIONS is now available for purchase, please click here.

As well, if you have a few minutes (or 21 minutes, if you watch the entire thing), I held court via an impromptu poetry reading on Instagram Live last night. That video is below. 

Thank you to everyone who made this book possible. Thank you to anyone supporting the cause. I'ma be back with more books on the way. I have 2 completed manuscripts in the stash, one which I am shopping around, although I may end up self-publishing that one as well. And another manuscript which is in the nascent stages of laboring & loving. All in all, it's an exciting time for poetry around here, and I am working on a few very exciting things which have to be mum's the word right now. I promise to share good news though, when the time is right. Peace & Grace to you & yours, cheers to the poets & cheers to poetry.

Also, I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention this here. While I was putting the finishing notes & edits on RESUSCITATIONS, Rafah was being bombed & more than 100 Palestinians, including young children, were murdered. None of us can truly be free until Palestine is free.

For those that don't know, Rafah is located on the southern strip of Gaza, and it is the most densely populated piece of land on this planet. Rafah is also the place that Palestinians were told by the Israeli government to evacuate to when they began their attempted genocide 4 months ago. And now they are bombing Rafah & continuing the attempted genocide of the Palestinian people. None of this is lost on me, and the murdering of human beings in this manner, especially young children, is evil & insane, and should not & cannot ever be taken lightly.

If you are an American citizen, I implore you to use this link, via Jewish Voice For Peace, to call your representatives to DEMAND a cease fire NOW:






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